Saturday, November 17, 2007

John Ch. 2: Why in this order?

S: "During the time he was in Jerusalem, those days of the Passover Feast, many people noticed the signs he was displaying and, seeing they pointed straight to God, entrusted their lives to him.  But Jesus didn't entrust his life to them.  He knew them inside and out, knew how untrustworthy they were.  He didn't need any help in seeing right through them." John 2:23-25

O: this story, which happens near the end of Jesus' ministry is placed in the first 2 chapters in John.  This is when Jesus is betrayed after he rides into Jerusalem. The question is why?  John's book is different than the other Gospels.  His is to reveal Jesus as God.  Ch. 1 starts as Jesus as the Word of Life, the beginning and John the Baptist's revealing of the Jesus as the Lamb and the call of his disciples.  Then John moves to Ch. 2, where he reveals a miracle of Jesus as the "first sign Jesus gave" to reveal his glory.  Then John moves to the clearing of the Temple, a clear sign that Jesus gave re: his death and resurrection and sets up the reader for the rest of the gospel.  It almost seems like foreshadowing and now John moves into the details of Jesus' life and ministry.

A: How can I apply this to my life?  Well, it shows that the Gospels are not really chronological, but has an audience and a purpose.  Like any story, you have to understand the audience and the purpose.  When sharing about Jesus, we need to know our audience and why we are sharing.  The more we understand this story, the better we can explain it for those who has questions.

P: Lord, thank you for the Gospels!  What a rich accounts of Jesus and His life.  I pray that you continue to teach me and give me lessons on how to speak to people with your amazing stories.  Amen

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